Lily Pad, your child's safety is our primary concern.
To check your child into the center:
Each day, the parent should….
- Escort the child into the center
- Assist the child in hanging up his/her
coat and putting belongings away
- Enter child’s attendance number in the computer
- Read any postings staff has made for parents
- Hand Daily Communication Log to staff member
Please remember that we cannot be responsible for any
child who is not properly checked into the center.To
check your
child out of the center:
- Upon arrival to pick up your child, please
assist them with putting on their coat, and collecting
their belongings
- Enter child’s attendance number into the computer
- All receipts and notes will be located in your child’s
Daily Communication Log
Authorized Pick Up
NO CHILD will be released to a person
not authorized by a parent to pick up the child. We must
have written or
authorization, and will expect you to contact us if any
changes are to be made to your list of authorized persons.
For your child’s protection, we will ask unfamiliar
adults to show us photo identification.

Health Considerations
help in the prevention and spreading of illness, children
will be prohibited from attending the program
a contagious illness. Children will be observed daily
arrival for
illness symptoms and will not be admitted if they might
infest others.
If a child becomes ill while at the center, the parent will
be contacted immediately and the child will be kept as comfortable
as possible under supervised isolation until the parent arrives.
notify the center if your child will be kept home because
of illness.
For the safety of everyone, a physician’s release
will be required if your child has any of the following:
Impetigo, scabies, pink eye, ringworm, and trench mouth
times communicable diseases are present in the classroom.
In such an event, you will be notified of this in order
that you may be on the look out for symptoms in your
Staff may administer medications to your child if they
are as follows:
1. Specifically ordered by a physician for the individual
child in a prescription container.
2. Medications for which you have a written order
from a physician for the individual child.
*We will
require a written order from your physician to administer
decongestants and cough medicine.

All children at the center must have up to date immunizations.
Please check with your physician prior to the
start of your enrollment to make sure your child’s
immunizations are up to date. Please notify us
when your child receives
additional immunizations.

Allergies and Food Restrictions
If your child has any food allergies, your physician’s
written instructions concerning such allergies
must be on file with us. Please notify us if your child
has any food
restrictions due to religious beliefs.

Emergency procedures for fires and tornadoes
are posted in each room by the exits. Practice
are conducted
a regular basis. All staff members are trained
in First Aide and CPR. In case of fire, everyone
be evacuated,
assemble on the playground outside the building.
In the event of a tornado, everyone will move
to the infant
and 2 year
old rooms. |